PowerShell revshells
- Shows username@computer, above the prompt and working-directory
- Has a partial AMSI-bypass making some stuff a bit easier, like loading a full AMSI bypass.
- TCP and UDP shells
- Windows Powershell and Core Powershell
- Functions for uploading and downloading files. (Using Updog by sc0tfree)
ngrok support
- ngrok can be started/stopped from inside the script
- payloads will be generated with the ngrok addresses
Updog support
- you can start/stop Updog from inside the script
- The PowerShell revshells have upload/download function embedded
- To upload from nix using curl:
curl -F path="absolute path for Updog-folder" -F file=filename http://UpdogIP/upload
To install Shells
git clone https://github.com/4ndr34z/shells
cd shells

Youtube video
Download: https://github.com/4ndr34z/shells
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